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Summaries of books by Bill George:

Authentic Leadership

Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value
Bill George
The book explores the concept of authentic leadership, emphasizing the importance of leaders being true to themselves and their values to create sustainable success in organizations. It provides insights and practical advice on how leaders can develop their authenticity, build trust with their teams, and lead with integrity to drive long-term value for their stakeholders.
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True North

Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace
Bill George, David Gergen, Zach Clayton
The book provides guidance for emerging leaders on how to develop their authentic leadership style, emphasizing self-awareness, personal values, and the importance of aligning actions with inner principles. It offers practical tools, exercises, and personal stories to inspire and equip a new generation of leaders to lead with integrity and confidence in the modern workplace.
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Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis

Bill George
The book provides a guide for leaders to navigate crises effectively, offering seven essential lessons that emphasize the importance of facing reality, being transparent, and making ethical decisions. It draws on real-world examples and the author's experiences to illustrate how leaders can emerge stronger from challenging situations by staying true to their values and focusing on long-term solutions.
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True North Fieldbook

The Emerging Leader's Guide to Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace
Bill George
The book provides practical exercises and reflective questions designed to help emerging leaders develop their authentic leadership style by aligning their values, beliefs, and actions. It offers guidance on building self-awareness, crafting a personal leadership development plan, and navigating the complexities of modern workplace dynamics.
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