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Summaries of books by Paul Krugman:

Arguing with Zombies

Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future
Paul Krugman
The book presents a collection of essays and columns by the Nobel laureate economist, tackling common economic misconceptions and policy issues such as healthcare, tax reform, and inequality. It aims to debunk persistent myths in economic discourse, often referred to as "zombies" because they keep coming back despite evidence disproving them.
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The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

Paul Krugman
The book analyzes the economic factors leading to the 2008 financial crisis, drawing parallels with past economic downturns to argue that the world was repeating the same mistakes that led to the Great Depression. It discusses the failure of regulation, the housing bubble, and the complexities of the global financial system, while advocating for policy solutions to prevent future crises.
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End This Depression Now!

Paul Krugman
The book argues for aggressive government spending to counteract the economic stagnation following the 2008 financial crisis, critiquing austerity measures and advocating for Keynesian economic policies to stimulate growth and reduce unemployment. It presents a case for immediate, bold action to alleviate the ongoing economic hardship and prevent long-term damage to the economy.
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The Great Unraveling

Losing Our Way in the New Century
Paul Krugman
The book is a collection of essays and columns that critique the economic policies and political decisions of the early 2000s, particularly during the Bush administration. It argues that these policies were leading to increased inequality, fiscal irresponsibility, and a general decline in the effectiveness of governance.
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