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Summaries of books by Peter Mayle:

A Year in Provence

Peter Mayle
The book chronicles the author's first year living in the French countryside, detailing the seasonal changes, local customs, and culinary delights. It humorously captures the challenges and pleasures of adapting to a new lifestyle in Provence, from dealing with truffle-hunting dogs to navigating social nuances.
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My Twenty-Five Years in Provence

Reflections on Then and Now
Peter Mayle
The book is a nostalgic recounting of the author's experiences living in the South of France, filled with observations and anecdotes about the region's culture, cuisine, and lifestyle. It reflects on the changes and enduring charms of Provence over a quarter of a century.
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Toujours Provence

Peter Mayle
The book is a sequel to "A Year in Provence," continuing the author's experiences living in the South of France. It offers a collection of anecdotes about rural life, local customs, and the challenges and pleasures of Provencal living.
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"Where Did I Come From?"

An Illustrated Children's Book on Human Sexuality
Peter Mayle
The book provides a straightforward, age-appropriate explanation of human reproduction and sexuality, using cartoon illustrations and candid language to describe the process from conception to birth. It covers topics such as sexual intercourse, fetal development, and childbirth, aiming to educate children in a sensitive and accessible manner.
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Encore Provence

New Adventures in the South of France
Peter Mayle
The book is a continuation of the author's experiences in the South of France, where he shares a series of vignettes that explore the local culture, cuisine, and idiosyncrasies of Provencal life. It delves into the author's personal adventures and observations, capturing the essence of the region's charm and the quirks of its inhabitants.
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