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Summaries of books by Robert B. Reich:

The System

Who Rigged It, How We Fix It
Robert B. Reich
The book examines the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, detailing how this elite group has manipulated political and economic systems to their advantage. It proposes solutions to restore democracy and create a more equitable society, including political reforms and changes to market rules.
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Saving Capitalism

For the Many, Not the Few
Robert B. Reich
The book examines the decline of the middle class and the growing income inequality in the United States, arguing that the economic system is rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful. It proposes a range of policy solutions aimed at restoring the concept of shared prosperity and ensuring that the economy works for the benefit of all, rather than just a privileged few.
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The Common Good

Robert B. Reich
The book argues for a return to the concept of the common good in American society, emphasizing the importance of shared values, civic responsibility, and ethical decision-making in politics and economics to counteract the rise of individualism and divisiveness. It critiques the erosion of communal bonds and institutions, advocating for collective action and policy reforms to rebuild trust and cooperation for the benefit of all citizens.
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The Next Economy and America's Future
Robert B. Reich
The book examines the economic challenges facing the United States after the 2008 financial crisis, focusing on the widening income gap and the shrinking middle class. It argues that the concentration of wealth among a small elite is unsustainable for the economy and proposes policy solutions to redistribute income and stimulate broad-based growth.
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The Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life
Robert B. Reich
The book examines the evolution of capitalism into a more powerful global economic system that has outpaced the capacity of democratic institutions to regulate it, leading to increased economic efficiency but also greater inequality and weakened civic engagement. It explores the tensions between the roles of citizens and consumers, and how the pursuit of profit has overshadowed public interest and democratic values in society.
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The Future of Success

Robert B. Reich
The book examines the changing nature of work, business, and the economy in the face of technological advancements and globalization, arguing that these shifts lead to both increased prosperity and greater stress for workers. It explores the trade-offs between material wealth and personal fulfillment, suggesting that success in the new economy requires a balance between the two.
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