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Summaries of books by Timothy Keller|Kathy Keller:

The Meaning of Marriage

Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God
Timothy Keller|Kathy Keller
The book explores the Christian understanding of marriage, presenting it as a divine covenant that reflects the relationship between God and humanity. It offers practical advice and biblical wisdom for overcoming the challenges of marriage and enhancing the partnership through mutual love, respect, and spiritual growth.
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The Songs of Jesus

A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms
Timothy Keller|Kathy Keller
The book provides a year-long daily devotional, each day offering a meditation on a specific Psalm, aiming to guide readers through personal contemplation and understanding of these biblical songs. It includes reflections, prayers, and insights to deepen the spiritual life and relationship with God through the wisdom of the Psalms.
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God's Wisdom for Navigating Life

A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs
Timothy Keller|Kathy Keller
The book offers a year's worth of daily devotional readings and insights drawn from the Book of Proverbs, aiming to provide readers with practical wisdom for living a moral and God-centered life. Each day presents a concise reflection on a Proverb, encouraging spiritual growth and understanding through the application of biblical principles to everyday challenges.
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The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide

A Vision for Married and Single People
Timothy Keller|Kathy Keller
The guide provides a biblical exploration of marriage, offering practical insights and discussion questions for couples and singles to understand the Christian vision of marriage. It addresses topics such as love, commitment, gender roles, and singleness, aiming to enrich and guide relationships according to spiritual principles.
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