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Summaries of books by Graham Hancock:

Fingerprints of the Gods

The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization
Graham Hancock
The book presents an alternative historical narrative, suggesting that a highly advanced civilization existed thousands of years ago and was destroyed by a cataclysm. It compiles various archaeological and geological evidence to argue that historical records and monuments like the pyramids of Egypt and the Nazca lines in Peru may be remnants of this lost civilization.
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America Before

The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization
Graham Hancock
The book explores the possibility of a lost advanced civilization in the Americas that predates known indigenous cultures, drawing on archaeological evidence, mythological narratives, and astronomical data. It challenges the conventional timeline of human development and suggests that significant historical events, such as the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, could have played a role in shaping early human history on the continent.
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Magicians of the Gods

Sequel to the International Bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods
Graham Hancock
The book presents the author's theory that a global cataclysm caused by a comet impact around 12,000 years ago led to the destruction of an advanced civilization, which he suggests is remembered in myths and monuments around the world. It explores archaeological sites and ancient texts to argue for a lost chapter in human history, suggesting that survivors of this civilization passed on their knowledge to hunter-gatherer societies, leading to the rapid rise of new civilizations.
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The Sign and the Seal

The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant
Graham Hancock
The book presents a historical detective story where the author investigates the legends and clues surrounding the fate of the biblical Ark of the Covenant, proposing that it was taken to Ethiopia. Through a mix of travelogue, interviews, and analysis of religious texts, the narrative suggests that the Ark may still be hidden in a church in Aksum.
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The Mysterious Origins of Civilization
Graham Hancock
The book explores ancient civilizations and their possible connections to a lost advanced civilization, delving into archaeological sites, myths, and geological evidence. It challenges mainstream historical narratives by suggesting that a sophisticated culture could have existed during the last Ice Age and influenced the development of known ancient societies.
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