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Summaries of books by Karl Marx:


Volumes One and Two
Karl Marx
The book delves into the political economy, dissecting the capitalist system, its mode of production, and the dynamics of capital accumulation. It explores the exploitation of labor, the nature of class struggles, and the inevitable contradictions leading to societal changes.
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Volume I
Karl Marx
The book is a critical analysis of capitalism and its dynamics, focusing on the concept of surplus value, the exploitation of the working class, and the intricacies of the capitalist mode of production. It delves into the economic laws governing the production and exchange of commodities, the accumulation of capital, and the role of labor in creating value.
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Karl Marx
The book delves into the capitalist mode of production, exploring the nature of commodities, the labor theory of value, and the exploitation of the proletariat. It critically examines the accumulation of capital, the dynamics of the capitalist economy, and the inevitable class struggles resulting from these economic conditions.
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Capital Vol. 1, 2, & 3

The Only Complete and Unabridged Edition in One Volume! (Illustrated)
Karl Marx
The book is a comprehensive collection of Marx's critical analysis of capitalism and its socio-economic impact, detailing the theory of surplus value, the capitalist mode of production, and the eventual crises arising from the inherent contradictions of capitalism. It includes discussions on the exploitation of labor, the dynamics of capital accumulation, and the class struggle, culminating in Marx's vision for a proletarian revolution and the development of a communist society.
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