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Summaries of books by Jeremy Rifkin:

The Zero Marginal Cost Society

The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism
Jeremy Rifkin
The book explores the rise of the Internet of Things, which enables a new economic paradigm where the marginal cost of producing additional units of goods and services could potentially drop to zero, leading to the spread of collaborative commons and the diminishing role of traditional capitalism. It discusses the potential for a future where the sharing economy and sustainable practices could supplant market-based systems as the dominant economic model.
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The Third Industrial Revolution

How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World
Jeremy Rifkin
The book discusses a shift towards a decentralized energy system, powered by renewable sources and facilitated by advancements in technology, which enables individuals and small-scale producers to generate and share energy. It also explores the economic and societal impacts of this transformation, including the potential for increased productivity and a more sustainable global economy.
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The Empathic Civilization

The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis
Jeremy Rifkin
The book explores the evolution of empathy within human societies, arguing that our ability to empathize has expanded in tandem with technological progress, leading to increasingly interconnected global relationships. Rifkin contends that this growing empathic sensitivity could be pivotal in addressing the world's environmental and social crises by fostering a global consciousness and cooperation.
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