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Summaries of books by Dambisa Moyo:

Dead Aid

Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa
Dambisa Moyo
The book argues that foreign aid has harmed Africa by creating dependency, fostering corruption, and perpetuating poor governance and poverty. It advocates for alternative solutions, including investment, trade, and fiscal discipline, to promote long-term growth and development on the continent.
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Edge of Chaos

Why Democracy Is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth-and How to Fix It
Dambisa Moyo
The book argues that liberal democracies are struggling to produce economic growth due to short-term policy making and a lack of strategic vision. It proposes solutions such as extending political terms, linking voting rights to knowledge, and incentivizing long-term investments to address these systemic issues and revitalize economic progress.
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How the West Was Lost

Fifty Years of Economic Folly--and the Stark Choices Ahead
Dambisa Moyo
The book presents a critical analysis of policy mistakes made by Western governments that have led to economic decline, arguing that flawed decisions in areas such as technology, education, and government debt have eroded the West's competitive edge. It also explores the consequences of these errors and offers stark choices that need to be made to avoid further deterioration and to regain economic stability and growth.
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Winner Take All

China's Race for Resources and What It Means for the World
Dambisa Moyo
The book examines China's strategic approach to securing vital natural resources around the globe to fuel its economic growth. It discusses the implications of this resource acquisition strategy for international relations, global economics, and the potential geopolitical conflicts that may arise from resource scarcity.
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