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Summaries of books by George Friedman:

The Next 100 Years

A Forecast for the 21st Century
George Friedman
The book presents a geopolitical analysis predicting major events and trends of the 21st century, including the rise and fall of nations, technological advancements, and potential conflicts. It outlines a future where the United States retains dominance while other global powers emerge and challenge the status quo, leading to shifting alliances and geopolitical strategies.
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The Storm Before the Calm

America's Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond
George Friedman
The book presents a forecast of the 2020s as a tumultuous decade for the United States, marked by political, social, and economic crises. It predicts that these challenges will ultimately lead to institutional reforms and a new era of American prosperity and stability.
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The Emerging Crisis in Europe
George Friedman
The book examines the underlying social, economic, and geopolitical tensions threatening the stability of the European Union, with a focus on historical conflicts and emerging divisions. It provides an analysis of potential crisis points, including border disputes, nationalism, and economic disparities, that could reshape the future of Europe.
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The Next Decade

Where We've Been . . . and Where We're Going
George Friedman
The book explores the geopolitical trends and events that are likely to shape the world in the 2010s, focusing on the United States' role as an unintended empire and its strategies to manage its power. It discusses the challenges the US will face, including its relationships with various countries and regions, and the internal and external pressures that will influence its foreign policy decisions.
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America's Secret War

Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle Between the United States and Its Enemies
George Friedman
The book delves into the strategic and intelligence aspects of post-9/11 conflicts, analyzing the United States' covert operations and geopolitical maneuvers against various adversaries, including terrorist organizations and rogue states. It provides insights into the complexities of global intelligence and the clandestine tactics used by the U.S. to combat threats and shape international outcomes.
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