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Summaries of books by Craig Groeschel:

Winning the War in Your Mind

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Craig Groeschel
The book provides a guide to overcoming negative thought patterns through understanding and applying biblical truths and psychological insights. It offers practical strategies for replacing destructive thoughts with life-affirming beliefs to achieve mental transformation and improved life outcomes.
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Dangerous Prayers

Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe
Craig Groeschel
The book challenges readers to step out of their comfort zones and engage in bold, faith-stretching prayers that align more closely with the transformative and often risky path of true discipleship. It explores the idea that such prayers can lead to a deeper, more impactful Christian life, as opposed to the safety of routine and complacency in one's spiritual journey.
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Hope in the Dark

Believing God Is Good When Life Is Not
Craig Groeschel
The book delves into the struggle of maintaining faith during life's darkest moments, offering insights and personal stories that illustrate how to trust in God's goodness despite facing hardships. It provides readers with practical guidance on how to find hope and resilience by leaning on their faith when confronted with doubt and despair.
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The Christian Atheist

Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist
Craig Groeschel
The book confronts the contradictory lives of individuals who identify as Christians yet live in a manner that fails to reflect their professed beliefs in God. It challenges readers to examine the authenticity of their faith through personal anecdotes and biblical teachings, urging a transformation towards a life that genuinely embodies Christian principles.
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Divine Direction

7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life
Craig Groeschel
The book provides guidance on making life-altering decisions based on Christian principles, focusing on seven key choices that can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence. It combines personal anecdotes, biblical teachings, and practical steps to help readers align their lives with God's will and purpose.
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Soul Detox

Clean Living in a Contaminated World
Craig Groeschel
The book examines the toxic influences and attitudes that pervade modern life, such as negative media, unhealthy relationships, and destructive behaviors, and offers practical advice on how Christians can cleanse themselves spiritually. It encourages readers to evaluate their daily choices and interactions to live a purer life aligned with their faith and values.
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