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Summaries of books by Billy Graham:


God's Secret Agents
Billy Graham
The book explores the nature, role, and significance of angels in the Christian faith, drawing from biblical scripture, personal stories, and historical accounts to illustrate their divine purpose as messengers and protectors. It delves into testimonies of angelic encounters and seeks to provide understanding of the mysterious and often unseen work of angels in the world.
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Nearing Home

Life, Faith, and Finishing Well
Billy Graham
The book offers guidance and personal reflections on aging, drawing from the author's own experiences and Christian faith to provide advice on how to navigate the challenges of later life with grace and purpose. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual foundation, leaving a legacy, and preparing for the eventual transition to life after death.
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The Heaven Answer Book

Billy Graham
The book provides a Christian perspective on questions about heaven, addressing topics such as its existence, who will go there, and what it will be like. It draws from biblical scripture to offer insights and comfort to readers curious about the afterlife according to evangelical Christian beliefs.
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Hope for Each Day

Morning & Evening Devotions
Billy Graham
The book provides a collection of 365 morning and evening devotions, offering readers daily inspirational and reflective passages to encourage a deeper relationship with God. Each entry includes a scripture excerpt, a short meditation, and a prayer to guide personal contemplation and spiritual growth.
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The Holy Spirit

Activating God's Power in Your Life
Billy Graham
The book delves into the nature, roles, and influence of the Holy Spirit in the Christian faith, guiding readers on how to understand and harness the Spirit's power in their personal spiritual journeys. It offers biblical insights, personal anecdotes, and practical advice on living a life led by the Holy Spirit, emphasizing its importance in prayer, worship, and everyday challenges.
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Where I Am

Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond
Billy Graham
The book explores the Christian perspective on the afterlife, delving into what Heaven is like, what the Bible says about eternity, and how individuals can prepare for life beyond this world. It reflects on Graham's personal faith and convictions, offering insights into the promises of eternal life and the hope found in the Christian gospel.
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Peace for Each Day

Billy Graham
The book offers daily devotional insights and inspirational messages drawn from the teachings and personal reflections of the renowned Christian evangelist. It aims to provide readers with spiritual guidance and encouragement to find peace and strength in their everyday lives through faith.
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Unto the Hills

A Daily Devotional
Billy Graham
The book provides a collection of 365 daily devotions, each consisting of a Bible verse, a short reflection, and a prayer, aimed at offering spiritual comfort, guidance, and inspiration to readers throughout the year. The reflections draw from the author's personal experiences and insights as a Christian evangelist, addressing a variety of themes relevant to living a faith-centered life.
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The Key to Personal Peace

Billy Graham
The book offers guidance on finding inner peace through a relationship with God, emphasizing the importance of faith, prayer, and surrendering one's life to Jesus Christ. It addresses common struggles and provides spiritual solutions to anxiety, conflict, and the search for meaning.
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