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Summaries of books by Timothy Egan:

The Worst Hard Time

The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl: A National Book Award Winner
Timothy Egan
The book chronicles the harrowing experiences of the people in the High Plains during the 1930s Dust Bowl, detailing their struggles against relentless dust storms and economic hardship. It provides personal accounts and historical context, illustrating the resilience of families who faced environmental disaster and poverty in one of the worst ecological crises in American history.
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The Immortal Irishman

The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero
Timothy Egan
The book chronicles the life of Thomas Francis Meagher, an Irish nationalist who was exiled to Tasmania, escaped to America, and became a leader during the Civil War. It details his journey from passionate orator for Irish independence to influential brigadier general in the Union Army and acting governor of Montana Territory.
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The Big Burn

Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America
Timothy Egan
The book chronicles the devastating 1910 wildfire in the Western United States, detailing how President Theodore Roosevelt's conservation efforts were tested by the disaster. It explores the origins of the U.S. Forest Service and the impact of the fire on the nation's approach to environmental preservation and the management of public lands.
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Short Nights Of The Shadow Catcher

The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis
Timothy Egan
The book chronicles the life of Edward Curtis, a photographer who dedicated decades to capturing the lives and cultures of Native American tribes through his images. It details his monumental project, "The North American Indian," exploring both the immense sacrifices he made to complete it and the lasting impact of his work on preserving these cultures for future generations.
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A Pilgrimage to Eternity

From Canterbury to Rome in Search of a Faith
Timothy Egan
The book chronicles the author's journey along the Via Francigena, an ancient pilgrimage route from Canterbury to Rome, as he grapples with his own faith and the history of Christianity. Along the way, he explores religious landmarks, encounters fellow pilgrims, and delves into the lives of saints and sinners who have shaped the church's past.
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The Good Rain

Across Time & Terrain in the Pacific Northwest
Timothy Egan
The book blends travelogue, history, and environmental reportage to explore the unique landscape and culture of the Pacific Northwest. It delves into the region's past and present, examining its natural beauty, ecological challenges, and the interplay between its environment and human inhabitants.
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