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Summaries of books by Simon Winchester:

The Professor and the Madman

A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
Simon Winchester
The book chronicles the true story of Dr. W.C. Minor, a Civil War veteran who contributed over 10,000 entries to the Oxford English Dictionary while institutionalized in an asylum for the criminally insane. It explores his unique collaboration with the dictionary's editor, James Murray, and delves into themes of madness, genius, and the extraordinary effort behind compiling the English language's most authoritative dictionary.
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The Perfectionists

How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World
Simon Winchester
The book explores the history and impact of precision engineering on society, detailing the technological advancements that have led to the modern world's obsession with precision. It highlights the stories of inventors and innovations that have driven the quest for exactness in fields ranging from manufacturing to scientific research.
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The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883
Simon Winchester
The book chronicles the catastrophic eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, detailing the geological and historical context leading up to the event. It also explores the global impacts of the eruption, including the massive loss of life, the subsequent climatic effects, and the scientific discoveries that emerged from studying the disaster.
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The Map That Changed the World

William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology
Simon Winchester
The book chronicles the life of William Smith, a canal digger in England who created the first detailed geological map in 1815, revealing the layers of rock beneath the soil. It details his monumental achievement in identifying the stratification of rocks, which laid the foundation for the science of geology and greatly influenced our understanding of the Earth's history.
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The Man Who Loved China

The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom (P.S.)
Simon Winchester
The book chronicles the life of Joseph Needham, a British biochemist who became fascinated with Chinese civilization and undertook the monumental task of documenting China's history of science and technology. It details his travels and research which led to the creation of the seminal work "Science and Civilisation in China," revealing the vast and often underappreciated contributions of Chinese innovation to the world.
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