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Summaries of books by Josh Linkner:

Big Little Breakthroughs

How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results
Josh Linkner
The book emphasizes the power of cultivating small, daily acts of creativity to drive significant change and achieve success. It provides practical tools and stories to inspire individuals and organizations to unlock their innovative potential through incremental, consistent actions.
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Disciplined Dreaming

A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity
Josh Linkner
The book provides a five-step process for enhancing creativity within organizations, aiming to foster innovation and problem-solving skills. It offers practical tools, techniques, and real-world examples to help individuals and teams tap into their creative potential and drive meaningful results.
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The Road to Reinvention

How to Drive Disruption and Accelerate Transformation
Josh Linkner
The book provides strategies and insights for leaders and organizations to embrace innovation and disrupt their industries before being overtaken by competitors. It offers practical advice on how to foster a culture of creativity, adapt to changing markets, and reinvent business models to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
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Hacking Innovation

The New Growth Model from the Sinister World of Hackers
Josh Linkner
The book explores how the ingenuity and resourcefulness of hackers can be applied to the business world to drive innovation and growth. It presents a framework for harnessing unconventional strategies and a hacker's mindset to solve complex challenges and create competitive advantage.
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