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Summaries of books by Henry Mintzberg:

Simply Managing

What Managers Do–and Can Do Better
Henry Mintzberg
The book demystifies the concept of management by breaking down the day-to-day activities of managers and emphasizing the importance of context in managerial work. It challenges conventional views on management practices and offers insights on how managers can improve their effectiveness by being more engaged with their teams and adapting to the complexities of their environments.
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Bedtime Stories for Managers

Farewell to Lofty Leadership. . . Welcome Engaging Management
Henry Mintzberg
The book presents a collection of short, reflective stories and insights aimed at challenging conventional management practices and advocating for a more humane and effective approach to leadership. It emphasizes the importance of engaging and empowering employees, listening more than dictating, and fostering a collaborative work environment.
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Henry Mintzberg
The book synthesizes years of observation, analysis, and research on the nature of managerial work, presenting a comprehensive framework for understanding managerial roles and practices. It challenges conventional views of management with in-depth insights into the actual complexities and nuances of managing in various organizational contexts.
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Managers Not MBAs

A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development
Henry Mintzberg
The book critiques conventional MBA programs for their failure to produce effective managers, arguing that true managerial skills are developed through experience rather than classroom instruction. It advocates for a more hands-on approach to management education that emphasizes practical learning and critical reflection on real-world challenges.
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Managing the Myths of Health Care

Bridging the Separations between Care, Cure, Control, and Community
Henry Mintzberg
The book challenges conventional healthcare management practices by debunking myths that hinder effective care, advocating for a more integrated approach that balances care, cure, control, and community. It emphasizes the complexity of healthcare systems and the need for collaborative, patient-centered strategies that recognize the interdependence of various healthcare components.
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Rebalancing Society

Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center
Henry Mintzberg
The book argues that a balanced society requires a harmonious blend of public sector, private sector, and civil society forces, rather than dominance by any single sector. It critiques the prevailing imbalance towards the private sector and capitalism, advocating for a more equitable and sustainable approach to societal development.
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