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Summaries of books by Rachel Held Evans:

Searching for Sunday

Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church
Rachel Held Evans
The book explores the author's complex relationship with Christianity, chronicling her experiences of doubt, disenchantment, and rediscovery of faith through the lens of seven sacraments. It delves into themes of community, identity, and the challenges of living out one's beliefs in the modern world.
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Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again (series_title)
Rachel Held Evans
The book explores the author's journey through biblical stories and themes, re-engaging with scripture through a lens of curiosity and faith. It addresses doubts and questions about the Bible, offering fresh insights and a renewed passion for the ancient text.
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A Year of Biblical Womanhood

How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband Master
Rachel Held Evans
The book chronicles the author's experiment of living out the instructions for women in the Bible as literally as possible for a year, exploring the complexities of scriptural interpretation and the impact on her life and marriage. It blends humor with a critical look at traditional and contemporary gender roles within the Christian faith.
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Faith Unraveled

How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask Questions
Rachel Held Evans
The book explores a woman's journey from a firm evangelical faith, grounded in certainty and black-and-white answers, to a more mature and nuanced spirituality that embraces doubt, questioning, and the complexities of belief. It delves into the challenges of reconciling a rigid religious upbringing with the realities of the world and personal experiences, leading to a transformative understanding of faith.
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