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Summaries of books by Daniel C. Dennett:

From Bacteria to Bach and Back

The Evolution of Minds
Daniel C. Dennett
The book explores the origins of human consciousness, arguing that it evolved through natural selection from simpler biological processes, and examines the role of language and culture in the development of complex thought. It presents a narrative that connects the evolution of physical brains to the emergence of abstract thinking and creativity, culminating in the arts and sciences.
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Breaking the Spell

Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Daniel C. Dennett
The book explores the concept of religion through the lens of evolutionary biology and cognitive science, arguing that religious beliefs and practices are products of natural selection and can be studied scientifically. It suggests that understanding the biological origins of religion can help in addressing the influence of various religious phenomena on human affairs.
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Consciousness Explained

Daniel C. Dennett
The book presents a detailed theory of consciousness, combining insights from philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology to argue against the traditional notion of a central "Cartesian Theater" where consciousness happens. Instead, it proposes the "Multiple Drafts Model," suggesting that consciousness is the result of various parallel processes and interpretations occurring in the brain without a central narrative.
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Darwin's Dangerous Idea

Evolution and the Meaning of Life
Daniel C. Dennett
The book explores the far-reaching implications of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, arguing that natural selection is a universal acid that cuts deeper into the fabric of reality than many are willing to admit. It delves into the impact of evolutionary thinking on various fields, including philosophy, biology, and the understanding of human consciousness and ethics.
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