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Summaries of books by Michael Shermer:

The Believing Brain

From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies---How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths
Michael Shermer
The book explores the cognitive processes that lead humans to form beliefs, ranging from supernatural phenomena to political ideologies, and examines the mechanisms by which these beliefs are reinforced and maintained. It delves into the neuroscience and psychology behind our convictions, demonstrating how our brains are wired to find patterns, assign meanings, and defend our beliefs as truths.
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Why People Believe Weird Things

Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
Michael Shermer
The book critically examines a range of pseudoscientific concepts and superstitions, exploring the reasons behind people's attraction to these beliefs despite the lack of empirical evidence. It delves into the cognitive biases and social factors that contribute to the acceptance of the paranormal, creationism, and other unfounded ideas.
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The Science of Good and Evil

Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule
Michael Shermer
The book explores the origins of our moral instincts and how humans develop concepts of right and wrong based on evolutionary biology, psychology, and cultural influences. It examines the role of ethics in society and how science can inform our understanding of moral behavior, including altruism, cooperation, and the reasons behind our moral choices.
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