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Summaries of books by Timothy Snyder:

On Tyranny

Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Timothy Snyder
The book provides a historical analysis of the rise of authoritarianism and offers practical lessons on resisting tyranny, drawing parallels between past dictatorships and contemporary political trends. It emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility, historical memory, and civic engagement to safeguard democratic values.
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The Road to Unfreedom

Russia, Europe, America
Timothy Snyder
The book explores the rise of authoritarianism in Russia under Vladimir Putin, its influence on Western democracies, and the erosion of truth and rule of law. It delves into the ideological underpinnings of this shift, including the concept of "Eurasia," and examines how disinformation and historical revisionism are used to justify political agendas and undermine democratic institutions.
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Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Timothy Snyder
The book examines the political, social, and human tragedies that occurred in the region stretching from central Poland to western Russia between 1933 and 1945, where the regimes of Hitler and Stalin caused the mass killing of an estimated 14 million non-combatants. It delves into the interconnectedness of the Holocaust, the Great Terror, the famines in Ukraine, and other mass atrocities perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
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On Tyranny Graphic Edition

Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Timothy Snyder
The book presents twenty essential lessons drawn from the events of the twentieth century, offering insights into how individuals can resist and prevent tyrannical government and preserve democracy. It combines historical analysis with practical advice, illustrated to enhance understanding and engagement with the material.
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Our Malady

Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary
Timothy Snyder
The book presents a personal account of the author's harrowing experience with the healthcare system, highlighting the failures and challenges within medical institutions. It offers a critique of American healthcare and connects the importance of health to the concept of freedom, arguing that access to quality care is essential for a functioning democracy.
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Black Earth

The Holocaust as History and Warning
Timothy Snyder
The book presents an analysis of the Holocaust, examining the political, social, and economic conditions that led to the extermination of Jews, emphasizing the role of state destruction and ecological panic. It also offers a warning about the potential for similar atrocities in the future, drawing parallels with contemporary threats to state stability and legal norms.
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