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Summaries of books by Stephen R. Covey:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

15th Anniversary Infographics Edition
Stephen R. Covey
The book presents a principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems by embodying seven habits that foster effectiveness through character and ethical values. It includes infographics that visually summarize and reinforce the concepts of each habit for easier understanding and application.
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How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Stephen R. Covey
This book guides readers through the process of creating a personal mission statement that reflects their unique values and goals, serving as a foundation for personal and professional decision-making. It includes exercises, examples, and insights to help individuals clarify their purpose and live a life aligned with their deepest beliefs and principles.
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The 8th Habit

From Effectiveness to Greatness
Stephen R. Covey
The book expands on the "7 Habits" framework by introducing an eighth habit, which focuses on finding one's unique voice and inspiring others to find theirs. It emphasizes the importance of moving beyond mere effectiveness to achieve true greatness by contributing to the well-being and success of others.
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Principle-Centered Leadership

Stephen R. Covey
The book offers a framework for leading organizations and individuals based on enduring principles such as trustworthiness and integrity, rather than on short-term tactics. It emphasizes the importance of aligning personal values with professional conduct to achieve effective leadership and organizational excellence.
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The 3rd Alternative

Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems
Stephen R. Covey
The book presents a conflict resolution framework that goes beyond traditional compromise, advocating for a synergistic approach to problem-solving where parties find a "third alternative" that transcends their initial positions. It outlines principles and real-world examples to demonstrate how this method can lead to innovative and mutually beneficial solutions in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional and global challenges.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

Creating a Nurturing Family in a Turbulent World
Stephen R. Covey
The book provides a guide for building a strong family culture in a chaotic world, using seven habits that foster respect, unity, and success within the family unit. It offers practical advice and examples to help families communicate effectively, solve problems collaboratively, and create a loving environment where each member can thrive.
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