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Summaries of books by Vaclav Smil:

How the World Really Works

A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future
Vaclav Smil
The book provides an analysis of the fundamental pillars of modern civilization, such as energy, food production, materials, and globalization, through a scientific lens. It examines how these elements have shaped human history and discusses their implications for the future of the planet and society.
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Numbers Don't Lie

71 Things You Need to Know About the World
Vaclav Smil
The book presents a collection of 71 short essays that delve into various statistics and facts about technology, energy, the environment, and global development, offering insights into how numbers reveal essential truths about the state of the world. Each chapter uses data and evidence to debunk myths, clarify complex issues, and provide a clearer understanding of how the world really works.
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A Beginner's Guide
Vaclav Smil
The book provides an overview of the various forms of energy, their historical development, and their role in society, while also discussing the technical, environmental, and political issues associated with energy use and the transition to sustainable sources. It offers a comprehensive introduction to the complexities of energy systems, energy resources, and the challenges of balancing energy demands with environmental and economic concerns.
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From Microorganisms to Megacities
Vaclav Smil
The book provides a comprehensive examination of growth in nature and society, analyzing patterns from the scale of microorganisms to the complexities of megacities. It delves into the principles of energetic and material flows that define the growth and development across various systems, including biological entities, human economies, and civilizations.
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Grand Transitions

How the Modern World Was Made
Vaclav Smil
The book examines the fundamental changes in energy use, food production, demographics, and governance that have shaped the modern world. It explores the unprecedented transitions in human history that have led to the current state of global civilization, including industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of economic and political systems.
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Should We Eat Meat?

Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory
Vaclav Smil
The book provides a comprehensive examination of meat consumption from an evolutionary perspective, analyzing its role in human development and the environmental and health impacts of modern meat production and consumption. It delves into the sustainability of carnivorous diets and explores potential future trends and ethical considerations regarding the global reliance on animal protein.
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Global Catastrophes and Trends

The Next Fifty Years
Vaclav Smil
The book provides a rigorous analysis of the potential large-scale disasters that could occur in the next half-century, including natural events, diseases, and human-made crises. It also examines long-term global trends in areas such as energy, environment, and geopolitics, assessing their possible impacts on human societies.
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