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Summaries of books by Michael Lewis:

The Premonition

A Pandemic Story
Michael Lewis
The book chronicles the efforts of a group of medical experts and their unconventional approach to handling the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States. It delves into the bureaucratic challenges and strategic decisions made as they race against time to understand and contain the virus.
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Flash Boys

Michael Lewis
The book investigates the rise of high-frequency trading in the US equity market, exposing how this technological advancement has allowed certain traders to exploit inefficiencies in the market at the expense of other investors. It follows a small group of Wall Street outsiders who realize the market has been rigged and band together to create an exchange free from the influence of high-frequency traders.
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The Big Short

Inside the Doomsday Machine
Michael Lewis
The book delves into the build-up of the housing and credit bubble during the 2000s that led to the financial crisis of 2007-2008. It follows the stories of several finance professionals who predicted the collapse and bet against the market, revealing the corruption and lack of foresight that contributed to the economic downturn.
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The Fifth Risk

Undoing Democracy
Michael Lewis
The book examines the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations, focusing on the mismanagement of key government agencies like the Department of Energy, Agriculture, and Commerce. It highlights the risks and consequences of appointing unqualified leaders to oversee complex federal functions, potentially endangering the nation's safety and democracy.
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The Undoing Project

A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
Michael Lewis
The book chronicles the collaboration between two Israeli psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for behavioral economics. It delves into their personal lives, the evolution of their partnership, and how their theories challenged conventional wisdom about decision-making and probability.
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Liar's Poker

Michael Lewis
The book provides an autobiographical account of the author's experiences as a bond salesman on Wall Street during the 1980s, highlighting the aggressive and often chaotic trading culture at Salomon Brothers, along with the broader excesses and moral dilemmas of the financial industry during that era. It delves into the complexities of mortgage bonds, junk bonds, and the speculative bubble that led to the infamous Black Monday market crash.
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The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
Michael Lewis
The book explores the innovative approach of the Oakland Athletics baseball team's general manager, Billy Beane, in using statistical analysis to assemble a competitive team despite a disadvantaged budget. It delves into how Beane's focus on undervalued players and on-base percentage over traditional scouting wisdom challenged and changed the game's conventional thinking.
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Travels in the New Third World
Michael Lewis
The book explores the financial crises that hit several countries around the world after 2008, focusing on how cultural attitudes toward finance and debt contributed to economic collapses in Iceland, Greece, Ireland, Germany, and the United States. It provides a series of on-the-ground accounts and character studies that illustrate the human and social factors behind the fiscal turmoil.
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The Blind Side

Evolution of a Game
Michael Lewis
The book interweaves the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American teenager who became a first-round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring family, with an examination of the strategic importance of the left tackle position in American football. It explores how the game's evolution has elevated the role of protecting the quarterback's blind side, making it a pivotal position on the field.
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The New New Thing

A Silicon Valley Story
Michael Lewis
The book chronicles the rise of the tech industry in Silicon Valley during the 1990s through the story of entrepreneur Jim Clark, who founded several influential tech companies, including Netscape. It explores the culture of innovation, the dot-com bubble, and the impact of venture capital on transforming ideas into revolutionary technologies.
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Home Game

An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood
Michael Lewis
The book is a humorous and candid account of the author's experiences navigating the challenges and surprises of first-time fatherhood. It chronicles his personal journey through the early years of his three children's lives, reflecting on the transformation of his identity and responsibilities as a parent.
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