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Summaries of books by John F. MacArthur:

Twelve Ordinary Men

How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You
John F. MacArthur
The book examines the lives and characteristics of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus Christ, highlighting their flaws and transformations to illustrate how God can use ordinary people for extraordinary purposes. It also draws parallels to how modern believers can be shaped by Jesus's teachings and influence to achieve greatness in their own spiritual journeys.
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Twelve Extraordinary Women

How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You
John F. MacArthur
The book profiles the lives of twelve women from the Bible, highlighting their unique contributions and the ways in which God worked through them to fulfill His purposes. It draws lessons from their stories to inspire and challenge contemporary women in their faith journeys.
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The Gospel According to Jesus

What Is Authentic Faith?
John F. MacArthur
The book presents a biblical analysis of the true nature of Christian faith and salvation, arguing against the "easy-believism" prevalent in modern evangelical circles. It emphasizes the importance of obedience and submission to Christ's lordship as intrinsic elements of genuine faith.
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Safe in the Arms of God

Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child
John F. MacArthur
The book explores biblical truths and offers comfort to grieving parents by addressing the fate of infants and young children who die, assuring them of God's loving care for these souls. It delves into scripture to provide theological insights and hope regarding the eternal destiny of children who pass away.
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