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Summaries of books by John Bevere:

The Bait of Satan

Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense
John Bevere
The book delves into the concept of offense, presenting it as a tool used by Satan to trap believers and disrupt their relationship with God. It offers biblical insights and personal anecdotes to help readers recognize, confront, and overcome feelings of offense, thereby fostering forgiveness and healthy relationships within the Christian community.
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Driven by Eternity

Make Your Life Count Today and Forever
John Bevere
The book presents a Christian perspective on living a purposeful life in accordance with biblical principles, emphasizing the importance of considering eternal consequences in daily decisions. It uses a parable and scriptural analysis to challenge readers to align their lives with God's will to ensure their actions have a lasting impact beyond their earthly existence.
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God, Where Are You?!

Finding Strength & Purpose in Your Wilderness
John Bevere
The book explores the spiritual wilderness periods in life, where individuals feel lost or abandoned by God, and offers guidance on how to navigate these challenging times with faith and purpose. It provides biblical insights and personal stories to encourage readers to trust in God's plan and timing, even when His presence seems distant.
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Under Cover

Why Your Response to Leadership Determines Your Future
John Bevere
The book explores the concept of submission to spiritual authority, arguing that one's attitude towards leadership, whether secular or religious, can significantly impact one's destiny. It delves into biblical principles to discuss the importance of obedience, the consequences of rebellion, and the blessings that come from aligning oneself under God's appointed leaders.
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Multiply Your God-Given Potential
John Bevere
The book provides a Christian perspective on unlocking one's potential by aligning with God's purpose and utilizing the spiritual gifts bestowed by Him. It emphasizes the importance of obedience to divine guidance and the multiplication of talents through faith and dedication to God's calling.
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