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Summaries of books by Kevin Leman:

Sheet Music

Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
Kevin Leman
The book provides couples with a Christian perspective on sexual intimacy, offering practical advice and insights to enhance their physical relationship within the bounds of marriage. It addresses common sexual issues and encourages open communication, aiming to deepen the emotional and spiritual connection between spouses.
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Have a New Kid by Friday

How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior & Character in 5 Days
Kevin Leman
The book provides parents with practical advice and strategies for improving their child's behavior through consistent discipline, clear communication, and positive reinforcement. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and consequences, while also encouraging parents to understand their child's unique personality and needs.
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The Birth Order Book

Kevin Leman
The book explores how an individual's position among siblings can shape their personality, behavior, and life experiences. It delves into the characteristics typically associated with firstborns, middle children, last-borns, and only children, and discusses how understanding birth order dynamics can improve personal relationships.
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Have a New Teenager by Friday

How to Establish Boundaries, Gain Respect & Turn Problem Behaviors Around in 5 Days
Kevin Leman
The book provides parents with strategies to improve their teenager's behavior by setting clear boundaries, enhancing communication, and enforcing consistent consequences. It offers practical advice on addressing disrespect, irresponsibility, and other common challenges, aiming to transform family dynamics within a short time frame.
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