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Summaries of books by Timothy Keller:

The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness

Timothy Keller
The book explores the Christian perspective on ego and self-esteem, arguing that true freedom comes from a self-forgetful humility rooted in a gospel-centered identity. It discusses how this approach leads to joy, peace, and a life focused on serving others rather than seeking personal glory.
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The Reason for God

Belief in an Age of Skepticism
Timothy Keller
The book presents a rational argument for the existence of God and the truth of Christianity, addressing common doubts and objections raised by skeptics. It explores various aspects of faith, including the nature of suffering, the existence of absolute moral standards, and the historical claims of the Bible.
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The Prodigal God

Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith
Timothy Keller
The book offers an in-depth exploration of the parable of the Prodigal Son, using it to illustrate the core message of Christianity about grace, repentance, and redemption. It challenges both religious and non-religious readers to reconsider their understanding of God's love and the true nature of the Christian faith.
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Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God
Timothy Keller
The book delves into the nature of prayer, exploring its theological underpinnings and practical applications for developing a deeper relationship with God. It offers guidance on how to engage in meaningful prayer by drawing on insights from the Bible, Christian tradition, and the author's personal experiences.
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Every Good Endeavor

Connecting Your Work to God's Work
Timothy Keller
The book explores the Christian view of work, arguing that work is a divine calling and that by aligning our professional lives with our faith, we can find deeper purpose and satisfaction. It delves into how to navigate challenges in the workplace, integrate faith and work, and serve others and God through our vocations.
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Counterfeit Gods

The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters
Timothy Keller
The book explores how contemporary society has elevated money, sex, and power to the status of modern-day idols, offering false salvation and happiness. It argues that these pursuits ultimately fail to fulfill and suggests that true hope and satisfaction can only be found through faith and a deeper relationship with God.
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Hidden Christmas

The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ
Timothy Keller
The book delves into the theological significance and historical context of the Christmas story, exploring the deeper meaning of Jesus' birth and its implications for both believers and skeptics. It unpacks the narratives of the nativity, revealing the transformative message of hope, salvation, and God's grace that lies within the traditional Christmas account.
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Walking with God through Pain and Suffering

Timothy Keller
The book explores the problem of suffering from a Christian perspective, offering theological insights and practical advice on how to deal with life's hardships. It combines biblical wisdom with stories of people who have faced profound pain, providing guidance on how to walk faithfully and find meaning in the midst of suffering.
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Jesus the King

Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God
Timothy Keller
The book explores the life and teachings of Jesus Christ by examining the Gospel of Mark, presenting Jesus as a revolutionary figure who came to redeem and restore humanity. It delves into the significance of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, offering insights into Christian faith and how it applies to the challenges of modern life.
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Making Sense of God

Finding God in the Modern World
Timothy Keller
The book presents a rational argument for the relevance of Christianity in today's skeptical age, addressing common doubts and discussing the intrinsic human need for meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, justice, and hope. It invites both believers and skeptics to consider the profound implications of faith in a modern, secular context.
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Encounters with Jesus

Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions
Timothy Keller
The book consists of a series of essays that explore various interactions between Jesus and individuals in the New Testament, offering insights into how these encounters address fundamental questions about the meaning of life, suffering, and human existence. It delves into the Christian perspective on how Jesus' teachings and actions provide profound answers to life's challenges and purpose.
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Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism
Timothy Keller
The book provides guidance on how to effectively preach Christian messages in a way that resonates with contemporary audiences, particularly those who may be skeptical of religion. It emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural objections to Christianity and suggests methods for addressing these challenges through thoughtful, engaging sermons.
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The Prodigal Prophet

Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy
Timothy Keller
The book offers an in-depth analysis of the biblical story of Jonah, exploring themes of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. It examines the lessons of the prophet's experiences and how they apply to contemporary life, emphasizing God's compassion for both the oppressors and the oppressed.
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Why Should I and How Can I?
Timothy Keller
The book explores the concept of forgiveness from a Christian perspective, examining the reasons why it is essential to forgive others and offering practical guidance on how to overcome the challenges of forgiveness. It delves into the nature of justice, grace, and healing, providing readers with a theological and psychological framework to understand and practice forgiveness in their lives.
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