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Summaries of books by Anne Applebaum:

Twilight of Democracy

The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism
Anne Applebaum
The book examines the growing appeal of nationalist and populist movements in Western democracies, exploring how political figures and intellectuals have abandoned liberal democratic ideals in favor of authoritarianism. It delves into the author's personal experiences and provides historical context to understand the erosion of democratic norms and the rise of conspiracy theories and polarization.
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Red Famine

Stalin's War on Ukraine
Anne Applebaum
The book delves into the causes and consequences of the Holodomor, the catastrophic famine that struck Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, resulting from Joseph Stalin's policies. It examines the historical context, the Soviet government's actions, and the devastating impact on the Ukrainian population, arguing the famine was a deliberate act of genocide.
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A History
Anne Applebaum
The book provides a comprehensive examination of the Soviet Union's forced labor camp system, detailing the origins, operations, and legacy of the gulags through survivor testimonies and archival research. It explores the political and social mechanisms that sustained the camps, the experiences of prisoners, and the broader impact on Soviet society and the world.
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Iron Curtain

The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956
Anne Applebaum
The book provides a detailed historical analysis of how the Soviet Union imposed its authoritarian system on Eastern European countries after World War II. It examines the political, social, and cultural transformation during the Stalinist era, including the methods of repression and control used to consolidate communist power in the region.
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