The Philanderer, Gambler, and Duelist Who Invented Modern Finance
Janet Gleeson
The book chronicles the life of John Law, an 18th-century Scottish economist and financial innovator who established the first national bank in France and introduced paper money to the French economy. It delves into his notorious personal life, including his escapades as a womanizer and gambler, as well as his contributions to the development of modern finance before his dramatic fall from grace.
Key points:
1. Financial Innovation and Risk Management: John Law, a Scottish economist, introduced paper money and the concept of a national bank in France, setting the foundation for modern finance and risk management.
Books similar to "Millionaire":
The House of Morgan
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The End of Alchemy
Mervyn King
Michael Lewis
Straight to Hell
John LeFevre
The Exchange Artist
Jane Kamensky
Liar's Poker
Michael Lewis
The Cash Nexus
Niall Ferguson
The First Crash
Richard Dale
The Last Tycoons
William D. Cohan
The Speculation Economy
Lawrence E. Mitchell