The book chronicles the life of Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy, the sister of John F. Kennedy, detailing her rebellious spirit and her tragic love affair with William Cavendish, the heir to the Chatsworth estate. It explores her navigation of the complex social and political landscapes of the British aristocracy during World War II and the impact of her untimely death on her family and society.
Key points:
1. The Kennedy Family: The book delves into the influential Kennedy family, focusing on their ambition, power, and pressure on their children, particularly rebellious Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy.
2. Kick's Independence: Kick's defiance of her Catholic family by marrying Protestant William Cavendish, heir to the Duke of Devonshire, is a key theme.
3. The Impact of War: World War II's effect on Kick, particularly her husband William's death, leading to her Red Cross involvement, is highlighted.
4. Kick's Second Marriage: Kick's controversial second marriage to a married man, Peter Fitzwilliam, and their tragic death in a plane crash is discussed.
5. The Kennedy Curse: The book explores the "Kennedy Curse," linking Kick's life of love, rebellion, and early death to the family's series of tragedies.