The book presents a series of ten scrolls, each containing a principle or lesson designed to replace bad habits with successful sales habits. It follows the story of Hafid, a poor camel boy who achieves a life of abundance through adherence to these principles.
Key points:
1. Good Habits: Success comes from consistent good habits, replacing bad ones with positive daily actions.
Books similar to "The Greatest Salesman in the World":

The ABCs of Success
Bob Proctor

Chandramouli Venkatesan

How to Be a Bawse
Lilly Singh

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Robin Sharma

Million Dollar Habits
Brian Tracy

Adrian Gilpin

Mentored by a Millionaire
Steven K. Scott

Embrace the Suck
Brent Gleeson

The Pursuit of Excellence
Ryan Hawk

Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude
Jeffrey Gitomer