The book tells the story of a stray donkey that unexpectedly becomes part of the author's family, providing life lessons and spiritual insights. Through their experiences with Flash, the family learns about patience, trust, and the power of second chances, as they navigate the challenges and joys of their new companion.
Key points:
1. Second Chances: Flash's adoption symbolizes the importance of giving second chances, regardless of one's past.
Books similar to "Flash":
The Forgotten Child
Richard Gallear
Will's Red Coat
Tom Ryan
Lost Daughter
Nola Wunderle
Walk to Beautiful
Mr. Jimmy Wayne
Just a Boy
Casey Watson
Will You Love Me?
Cathy Glass
Two More Sleeps
Rosie Lewis
The Lucky Few
Heather Avis
Love Without Borders
Angela Braniff
Twice a Daughter
Julie Ryan McGue