The book chronicles the life of Camilla Parker Bowles, detailing her journey from her early years to her marriage with Prince Charles and her role as a member of the British royal family. It explores her public image, personal challenges, and the evolution of her relationship with the public and the monarchy, leading up to her position as Queen Consort.
Key points:
1. Camilla's Background: The book explores Camilla's aristocratic upbringing and its influence on her future and relationship with Prince Charles.
2. Camilla and Charles' Love Story: The book delves into the complex relationship between Camilla and Prince Charles, their affair, and eventual marriage.
3. Public Perception of Camilla: The book discusses the public's view of Camilla, especially after Princess Diana's death, and her journey to regain public acceptance.
4. Camilla as Queen Consort: The book examines Camilla's role, duties, and influence as Queen Consort, and her dedication to charitable causes.
5. Camilla's Personal Journey: The book highlights Camilla's transformation from a private person to a public figure and her resilience in becoming Queen Consort.