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Summaries of books by Mike Rother:

Toyota Kata

Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results
Mike Rother
The book explores Toyota's unique approach to building a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability through the use of two core practices: the Improvement Kata, a repeating routine of establishing targeted conditions, working step-by-step through obstacles, and learning from changes; and the Coaching Kata, a pattern of teaching the Improvement Kata to employees at every level. It provides insights into how managers can foster a mindset of ongoing learning and problem-solving to achieve long-term organizational goals and innovation.
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Learning to See

Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA
Mike Rother
The book provides a detailed guide on using value stream mapping as a tool to visualize and understand the flow of materials and information as a product makes its way through the value stream. It offers practical steps to identify and eliminate waste (muda) in processes, thereby improving efficiency and delivering greater value to customers.
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The Toyota Kata Practice Guide

Practicing Scientific Thinking Skills for Superior Results in 20 Minutes a Day
Mike Rother
The book provides a structured approach to developing continuous improvement and problem-solving skills through the practice of two main routines, the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata, which are designed to foster scientific thinking. It offers practical guidance, including clear steps, diagrams, and worksheets, to help individuals and teams make daily progress in learning and applying these methodologies for organizational success.
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