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Summaries of books by Gretchen Rubin:

The Happiness Project

Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
Gretchen Rubin
The book chronicles the author's year-long journey to explore what brings true happiness, through monthly challenges and resolutions aimed at improving her life. It combines personal anecdotes with research and wisdom from various fields to provide insights on how to increase everyday joy and satisfaction.
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Better Than Before

What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits--to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life
Gretchen Rubin
The book explores strategies for habit formation tailored to individual personality types, providing insights on how to establish routines that lead to a more fulfilling life. It delves into the psychological aspects of habits and offers practical advice for overcoming common obstacles to personal change.
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The Four Tendencies

The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better
Gretchen Rubin
The book categorizes individuals into four personality types based on their response to internal and external expectations: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, and Rebels. It provides insights and strategies for each type to improve personal productivity, habits, and relationships.
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Outer Order, Inner Calm

Declutter and Organize to Make More Room for Happiness
Gretchen Rubin
The book provides guidance on how to declutter and organize your physical surroundings to enhance your sense of well-being and happiness. It offers practical tips and philosophical insights on why outer order contributes to inner calm, helping readers create a more serene and orderly environment.
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Happier at Home

Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon Self-Control, and My Other Experiments in Everyday Life
Gretchen Rubin
The book chronicles the author's year-long journey to create a happier domestic life through various monthly experiments focused on themes like possessions, marriage, and time management. It combines personal anecdotes with practical advice on how to find joy and satisfaction in the home by embracing simple pleasures and daily rituals.
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