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Summaries of books by Thomas Piketty:

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Thomas Piketty
The book analyzes a collection of data from 20 countries, ranging as far back as the 18th century, to uncover key economic and social patterns. It argues that the rate of capital return in developed countries is persistently greater than the rate of economic growth, which leads to wealth inequality that exacerbates over time without policy intervention.
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Capital and Ideology

Thomas Piketty
The book presents a comprehensive analysis of the historical evolution of inequality and the various ideologies that have justified it, arguing that political and social systems determine economic disparities. It proposes new ways to address inequality through participatory socialism and a global progressive tax on wealth.
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A Brief History of Equality

Thomas Piketty
The book traces the evolution of inequality and the struggle for equality from the French Revolution to the present day, examining economic, social, and political mechanisms that have led to the reduction of inequality in certain periods. It also discusses the challenges and potential policies that could promote a more equitable future, emphasizing the importance of education, taxation, and social organization in achieving greater equality.
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The Economics of Inequality

Thomas Piketty
The book delves into the causes and consequences of economic disparities, analyzing historical trends and the role of political and economic institutions in shaping inequality. It also discusses potential policies and reforms aimed at reducing inequality and promoting more equitable wealth distribution.
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