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Summaries of books by Niall Ferguson:

The Ascent of Money

A Financial History of the World: 10th Anniversary Edition
Niall Ferguson
The book traces the evolution of money and financial systems throughout history, exploring the impact of credit, banking, and investment on the development of civilizations. It examines the rise of financial markets, the origins of bubbles and crashes, and the role of finance in shaping the modern world.
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How Britain Made the Modern World
Niall Ferguson
The book examines the British Empire's expansive influence on the modern world, exploring its role in spreading capitalism, democracy, and technology. It delves into the complexities of the Empire's legacy, including both its contributions to global development and its darker aspects of oppression and exploitation.
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The West and the Rest
Niall Ferguson
The book explores the rise of Western civilization and its dominance over the past five centuries, attributing this success to six key 'killer applications': competition, science, democracy, medicine, consumerism, and the work ethic. It also examines the potential for these advantages to be adopted by non-Western societies, questioning whether the West can maintain its lead in the face of these global shifts.
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The Square and the Tower

Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook
Niall Ferguson
The book explores the history and impact of social networks, examining how these networks have fostered innovation and spread ideas throughout history. It contrasts the hierarchical structures of traditional power, represented by the "tower," with the more diffuse and dynamic networks, symbolized by the "square," and discusses their roles in various historical events and the rise of contemporary technology platforms.
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The Politics of Catastrophe
Niall Ferguson
The book examines the historical responses to disasters, analyzing why societies often fail to plan for predictable crises. It delves into the cognitive and institutional factors that hinder effective preparation and response, using case studies from pandemics to financial meltdowns.
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The House of Rothschild

Volume 1: Money's Prophets: 1798-1848
Niall Ferguson
The book chronicles the rise of the Rothschild family from the origins of their banking empire in the Jewish ghettos of 18th century Europe to their establishment as one of the most powerful financial dynasties of the 19th century. It details their business strategies, personal lives, and the socio-political context of the time, including their role in major historical events like the Napoleonic Wars.
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The Cash Nexus

Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000
Niall Ferguson
The book explores the complex relationship between economic and political power over three centuries, arguing that financial aspects often drive historical events and political outcomes. It examines the evolution of financial institutions, the impact of economic networks on empires and states, and challenges the notion that economic forces are secondary to politics and ideology in shaping world history.
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