The book delves into the digital lives of teenagers, exploring the complex social challenges they navigate online, from identity experimentation to privacy concerns. It provides insights into how adolescents use technology for connection and self-expression, while also highlighting the disconnect between their experiences and adult perceptions.
Key points:
1. Digital Gap: The book shows how adults often misunderstand teens' online lives, leading to a disconnect.
Books similar to "Behind Their Screens":
Born Digital
John Palfrey|Urs Gasser
Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen
Michelle Icard
Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety
Dr. John Duffy
The Big Disconnect
Catherine Steiner-Adair
The Tech-Wise Family
Andy Crouch
The End of Absence
Michael Harris
Tom Kersting
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.
Kristen Jenson
How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk
Adele Faber|Elaine Mazlish
Boundaries with Teens
John Townsend