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Summaries of books by Paul Falcone:

2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews

Ready-to-Use Words and Phrases That Really Get Results
Paul Falcone
The book provides a comprehensive collection of phrases and language tailored for managers to use during employee performance evaluations, aiming to articulate strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development. It offers guidance on how to phrase feedback constructively and effectively to motivate employees and improve their performance.
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101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees

A Manager's Guide to Addressing Performance, Conduct, and Discipline Challenges
Paul Falcone
The book provides managers with practical strategies and scripts for handling a wide range of difficult workplace discussions, from performance issues and behavioral problems to terminations and layoffs. It offers guidance on how to approach sensitive topics with empathy and professionalism, ensuring clear communication and effective resolution.
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101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems

A Guide to Progressive Discipline and Termination
Paul Falcone
The book provides a comprehensive collection of sample disciplinary write-ups covering a wide range of performance issues and misconduct, along with guidance on the appropriate use of progressive discipline. It also offers advice on legal considerations and best practices for documenting and addressing employee problems, ultimately leading to termination if necessary.
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75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees

Paul Falcone
The book provides practical strategies and techniques for managers to improve their hiring processes, develop talent effectively, and retain top performers within their organizations. It covers a range of topics from interviewing and onboarding to performance management and leadership development, offering actionable advice to create a strong, engaged workforce.
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