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Summaries of books by Karen Frazier:

Crystals for Beginners

The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals
Karen Frazier
The book serves as an introductory guide to the world of crystal healing, explaining how to choose, cleanse, and use crystals for various purposes. It covers the properties of different crystals, their historical use, and practical tips for incorporating them into daily life for improved well-being and balance.
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Crystals for Healing

The Complete Reference Guide With Over 200 Remedies for Mind, Heart & Soul
Karen Frazier
The book serves as a comprehensive guide to using crystals for healing, detailing the properties of over 200 stones and their applications for enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It includes instructions for selecting, cleansing, and using crystals, as well as remedies and advice for addressing specific ailments and improving overall health.
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The Dream Interpretation Handbook

A Guide and Dictionary to Unlock the Meanings of Your Dreams
Karen Frazier
The book provides readers with a comprehensive guide to understanding and interpreting their dreams, offering explanations for common dream symbols and themes. It also includes a dictionary-style reference to help users decode the specific meanings of various elements that appear in their dreams.
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The Little Book of Energy Healing Techniques

Simple Practices to Heal Body, Mind, and Spirit
Karen Frazier
The book provides a collection of concise, accessible practices designed to help readers harness and direct energy for healing purposes. It covers various techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing, crystals, and meditation to promote overall wellness in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.
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