The book delves into the evolution and marketing strategies of iconic fashion brands, exploring how they've crafted their images and influenced consumer culture. It examines the rise of designer labels, the power of logos, and the impact of fashion advertising, from high-end couture to mainstream retail chains.
Key points:
1. Brand Identity's Power: Strong brand identity, with a unique logo, style, and message, is crucial for fashion brands to stand out and build customer loyalty.
Books similar to "Fashion Brands":
Be Your Own Brand
David McNally|Karl D Speak
Designing Brand Identity
Alina Wheeler
Building Strong Brands
David A. Aaker
Becoming a Category of One
Joe Calloway
The Edge
Allen P. Adamson
What Great Brands Do
Denise Lee Yohn
Disruptive Branding
Jacob Benbunan|Gabor Schreier|Benjamin Knapp
Kellogg on Branding
Alice M. Tybout, Tim Calkins, Philip Kotler
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
Al Ries|Laura Ries
Brand Elevation
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