Summaries of books about Economics:
Universities in the Marketplace
The Commercialization of Higher Education
Derek Bok
The book examines the trend of commercialization within higher education, exploring how universities increasingly engage in market-driven practices, such as patenting research and forming partnerships with businesses. It discusses the potential consequences of this shift on academic integrity and the core mission of educational institutions.
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Innovation + Equality
How to Create a Future That Is More Star Trek Than Terminator
Joshua Gans|Andrew Leigh
The book argues for the coexistence of innovation and equality, suggesting that technological advancements can be harnessed to benefit everyone in society rather than exacerbating inequality. It offers policy recommendations on how to achieve this balance, ensuring that the future economy is inclusive and that the benefits of innovation are widely shared.
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Electronic Value Exchange
Origins of the VISA Electronic Payment System
David L. Stearns
The book examines the development of the VISA electronic payment system, tracing its origins from the early credit card industry to its evolution into a complex, global financial network. It explores the technological, business, and social challenges that were overcome to create the infrastructure and protocols for electronic value exchange that underpin today's electronic payment systems.
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Need, Speed, and Greed
How the New Rules of Innovation Can Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to Greatness, and Tame the World's Most Wicked Problems
Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran
The book explores the transformative power of innovation in the global economy, arguing that it can drive business success, national prosperity, and solutions to complex challenges. It delves into the dynamics of modern innovation ecosystems, emphasizing the importance of embracing openness, risk-taking, and collaboration to harness the potential of technological and social advancements.
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Blockbuster Drugs
The Rise and Decline of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Jie Jack Li
The book examines the pharmaceutical industry's evolution, focusing on the development and impact of highly profitable medications known as "blockbuster drugs." It explores the scientific, economic, and regulatory landscapes that led to their success, as well as the challenges and changes that are causing a decline in the traditional blockbuster drug model.
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The Invention of Enterprise
Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times
David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr, William J. Baumol
The book offers a comprehensive historical analysis of entrepreneurship across different cultures and eras, from ancient times through the modern age. It explores the role of innovators and business creators in economic development, examining how their activities have shaped and been shaped by their respective societies.
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The Soulful Science
What Economists Really Do and Why It Matters - Revised Edition
Diane Coyle
The book explores the evolution of modern economics, highlighting the use of empirical data and innovative quantitative methods to address real-world issues. It delves into how economists analyze topics like inequality, globalization, and technological change, and why their research is relevant to public policy and everyday life.
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Inflation Matters
Inflationary Wave Theory, its impact on inflation past and present ... and the deflation yet to come
Pete Comley
The book explores the concept of Inflationary Wave Theory, examining historical patterns of inflation and deflation, and analyzes the causes and consequences of these economic phenomena. It also discusses the potential for future deflation, considering the impact of various factors such as technology, demographics, and debt levels on the global economy.
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Moral Capitalism
Reconciling Private Interest with the Public Good
Stephen Young
The book advocates for a balanced approach to capitalism that aligns private enterprise with the broader interests of society, proposing a framework where businesses operate ethically, sustainably, and in a manner that benefits all stakeholders. It outlines principles and practical strategies for companies to contribute positively to social and environmental issues while still achieving economic success.
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Making in America
From Innovation to Market
Suzanne Berger
The book examines the relationship between innovation and manufacturing, exploring how the decline of industrial production in the United States affects the country's capacity for innovation. It presents findings from the MIT Task Force's research on successful production practices and strategies that can revitalize manufacturing in the American economy.
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