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Summaries of books by David Meerman Scott:

The New Rules of Sales and Service

How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling to Grow Your Business
David Meerman Scott
The book provides strategies for adapting sales and customer service to the digital age, emphasizing the importance of agility, real-time engagement, and leveraging big data. It also highlights the role of content creation and storytelling in building relationships and driving business growth.
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How to Inject your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage
David Meerman Scott
The book provides strategies for businesses and individuals to capitalize on breaking news by quickly creating relevant content that journalists and social media users will want to share, thereby gaining attention and media coverage. It outlines the timing, risks, and techniques for effectively inserting one's perspective into current news stories to boost visibility and establish thought leadership.
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The New Rules of Marketing and PR

How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly
David Meerman Scott
The book provides strategies for leveraging various digital platforms and techniques, such as blogs, podcasts, social media, and AI, to engage directly with consumers and create effective marketing campaigns. It emphasizes the importance of creating compelling content, utilizing real-time engagement, and understanding the changing landscape of public relations and online marketing to attract and retain customers.
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