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Summaries of books by Rohit Bhargava:


How to Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future
Rohit Bhargava
The book presents a methodology for recognizing emerging trends by curating and interpreting a wide array of information sources, encouraging readers to look beyond the obvious. It offers practical advice on how to think differently, be more observant, and make predictions that can lead to innovative ideas and strategic planning.
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How To Predict Trends and Win The Future
Rohit Bhargava
The book presents a curated collection of new and emerging trends that are shaping the future of business and consumer behavior, along with a methodology for observing patterns and making predictions. It also offers insights and actionable strategies for businesses to stay ahead of the curve by leveraging these trends for innovation and growth.
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Non-Obvious 2019

How To Predict Trends and Win The Future
Rohit Bhargava
The book presents a curated collection of emerging trends that have the potential to transform businesses and consumer behavior, along with a methodology for identifying and leveraging these trends for strategic advantage. It also includes insights and actionable ideas for how to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing marketplace.
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Personality Not Included

Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki
Rohit Bhargava
The book explores the importance of authenticity in branding and provides insights on how companies can infuse personality into their brands to stand out and connect with consumers. It offers strategies and case studies on how successful brands have cultivated a genuine and relatable image, and how others can follow suit to regain or maintain their market relevance.
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How To Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future
Rohit Bhargava
The book presents a methodology for recognizing emerging trends by curating and interpreting information from various sources, aiming to help readers think differently and anticipate future developments. It includes a collection of predicted trends for the year 2016, providing insights and examples across different industries.
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