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Summaries of books by Thibaut Meurisse:

Master Your Emotions

A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides strategies and techniques for readers to understand, control, and transform their emotional experiences. It offers practical advice on how to break free from negative emotional patterns and improve emotional intelligence for a more fulfilling life.
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Dopamine Detox

A Short Guide to Remove Distractions and Get Your Brain to Do Hard Things
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides strategies for overcoming distractions and enhancing focus by resetting the brain's dopamine levels, which are often skewed by modern stimuli. It offers practical advice on how to increase productivity and motivation by engaging in activities that promote concentration and mental discipline.
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Master Your Motivation

A Practical Guide to Unstick Yourself, Build Momentum and Sustain Long-Term Motivation
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides strategies and insights to help readers overcome motivational blocks, build momentum in their personal and professional lives, and maintain long-term motivation. It includes practical exercises and actionable tips to help individuals understand their motivation, set effective goals, and create a sustainable drive for success.
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Immediate Action

A 7-Day Plan to Overcome Procrastination and Regain Your Motivation
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides a structured, step-by-step guide to help readers break the cycle of procrastination and reclaim their motivation within a week. It offers practical strategies and exercises designed to create immediate action and foster productive habits.
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Powerful Focus

A 7-Day Plan to Develop Mental Clarity and Build Strong Focus
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides a structured seven-day program aimed at enhancing mental clarity and improving concentration. It offers practical strategies and exercises designed to help readers eliminate distractions, prioritize tasks, and develop a more focused approach to their personal and professional lives.
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Master Your Thinking

A Practical Guide to Align Yourself with Reality and Achieve Tangible Results in the Real World
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides strategies and exercises aimed at helping readers develop critical thinking skills and a more accurate perception of reality. It offers practical advice on how to overcome cognitive biases, make better decisions, and achieve goals through clear and effective thinking.
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Strategic Mindset

A 7-Day Plan to Identify What Matters and Create a Strategy that Works
Thibaut Meurisse
The book provides a concise plan to help readers focus on what truly matters by identifying their priorities and crafting an effective strategy to achieve their goals. It offers practical exercises and guidance over a seven-day period to develop a strategic mindset for improved productivity and success.
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