Summaries of books about Business & Finance:
Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis
7 Essential Lessons for Surviving Disaster
Ian I. Mitroff
The book delves into strategies and principles that enable organizations to cope with, manage, and learn from crises. It outlines seven key lessons, including the importance of proactive thinking, the integration of crisis management into the corporate culture, and the necessity of developing a comprehensive crisis management plan.
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Capital Ideas Evolving
Peter L. Bernstein
The book explores the ongoing evolution of financial theory and practice, highlighting the contributions of influential economists and the impact of their ideas on investment strategies and the management of risks. It delves into the integration of behavioral finance with market efficiency and the emergence of new investment tools, reflecting the dynamic nature of the financial landscape.
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Managing the Unmanageable
How to Motivate Even the Most Unruly Employee
Anne Loehr|Jezra Kaye
The book provides managers with strategies and practical tips for dealing with difficult employees, focusing on motivation techniques and communication skills. It includes real-life examples, tools, and exercises to help leaders transform challenging team members into productive, engaged contributors.
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Hire on a WHIM
A Step-By-Step Guide to Hiring the Four Qualities That Make for Great Employees
Garrett Miller
The book provides a framework for identifying and recruiting candidates who possess four key qualities: Work ethic, Humility, Integrity, and Maturity. It offers practical advice and step-by-step guidance for employers to evaluate these traits during the hiring process to build a reliable and effective workforce.
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A Seat at the Table
Marc Miller
The book provides guidance for IT professionals on how to align their work with the strategic objectives of their organizations and effectively communicate their value to business leaders. It emphasizes the importance of building relationships, understanding business processes, and becoming a trusted advisor to ensure a meaningful role in decision-making.
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The Little Book that Saves Your Assets
What the Rich Do to Stay Wealthy in Up and Down Markets
David M. Darst
The book provides insights into asset allocation and wealth management strategies used by affluent investors to protect and grow their assets regardless of market conditions. It emphasizes the importance of diversification, understanding risk, and the disciplined application of investment principles to achieve financial stability and growth.
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Marketing to the Social Web
How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Business
Larry Weber
The book provides insights into how businesses can leverage online communities and social media platforms to engage with customers and build brand loyalty. It offers strategies for creating compelling content, managing customer relationships, and measuring the impact of digital marketing efforts to drive growth and innovation.
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A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold
Peter L. Bernstein
The book provides an accessible introduction to the American monetary system, explaining the roles and relationships between money, banking, and gold. It delves into the complexities of how money is created and managed, the function of the Federal Reserve, and the influence of gold on the economy and monetary policy.
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Managing the Myths of Health Care
Bridging the Separations between Care, Cure, Control, and Community
Henry Mintzberg
The book challenges conventional healthcare management practices by debunking myths that hinder effective care, advocating for a more integrated approach that balances care, cure, control, and community. It emphasizes the complexity of healthcare systems and the need for collaborative, patient-centered strategies that recognize the interdependence of various healthcare components.
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Building an Inclusive Organization
Leveraging the Power of a Diverse Workforce
Stephen Frost|Raafi-Karim Alidina
The book provides a practical guide to creating an inclusive workplace, offering strategies and tools for leaders to harness the benefits of a diverse workforce. It covers topics such as unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, and policy implementation, with real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how to build an organization that embraces diversity at all levels.
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