Game-Based Marketing
Inspire Customer Loyalty Through Rewards, Challenges, and Contests
The book explores how incorporating game mechanics and dynamics into marketing strategies can engage customers, build loyalty, and increase brand interaction. It provides insights into the psychology of gaming and practical advice on how to create effective marketing campaigns using rewards, challenges, and contests to drive consumer behavior.
Key points:
1. Gamification: The book focuses on using game elements in marketing to boost customer engagement and loyalty by tapping into desires for status and achievement.
Books similar to "Game-Based Marketing":
The Gamification Revolution
Gabe Zichermann|Joselin Linder
Gamification for Business
Sune Gudiksen|Jake Inlove
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction
Karl M. Kapp
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook
Karl M. Kapp
Your First 100
Meera Kothand
Changing the Game
David Edery|Ethan Mollick
Strangers To Superfans
David Gaughran
Stickier Marketing
Grant Leboff
Winning on Purpose
Fred Reichheld|Darci Darnell|Maureen Burns
This Won't Scale
Dave Gerhardt|Daniel Murphy|Sara Pion|Alex Orfao|John DeWolf|Janna Erickson