Summaries of books about Business & Finance:
Investing in Human Capital
A Capital Markets Approach to Student Funding
Miguel Palacios Lleras
The book explores the concept of financing education through human capital contracts, where investors provide funds for students' education in exchange for a percentage of their future earnings. It discusses the implications of this approach for risk-sharing, the allocation of educational costs, and the potential to increase access to higher education.
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The Mindful International Manager
How to Work Effectively Across Cultures
Jeremy Comfort|Peter Franklin
The book provides practical guidance on navigating the complexities of cultural differences in international business, offering strategies for effective communication, negotiation, and leadership. It includes case studies, self-assessment tools, and tips on building intercultural competence to manage and work within diverse teams successfully.
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Influencers and Revolutionaries
How Innovative Trailblazers, Trends and Catalysts Are Transforming Business
Sean Pillot de Chenecey
The book examines the impact of pioneering individuals and disruptive trends on the business landscape, exploring how these agents of change drive innovation and transformation. It delves into various case studies and provides insights into how companies can adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving market by embracing new ideas and catalysts.
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Outsourcing to India
The Offshore Advantage
Mark Kobayashi-Hillary
The book provides a comprehensive guide to the strategic, operational, and cultural aspects of outsourcing IT and other services to India, highlighting the benefits and challenges of leveraging India's skilled workforce for competitive advantage. It includes practical advice on managing offshore relationships, understanding the Indian market, and navigating the legal and economic environment of outsourcing in India.
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Fast Forward
Organizational Change in 100 Days
Elspeth J. Murray|Peter R. Richardson
The book provides a framework for implementing rapid organizational change, focusing on a 100-day action plan to accelerate transformation and improve business performance. It offers practical tools, strategies, and real-world examples to guide leaders and managers through the process of change management efficiently and effectively.
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Developing Great Managers
20 Power-Hour Conversations That Build Skills Fast
Lisa Haneberg
The book provides a structured approach to managerial skill development through a series of twenty focused one-hour conversations, each designed to enhance a specific aspect of management capability. It offers practical tools, conversation guides, and real-world examples to help managers improve their leadership skills, team dynamics, and overall performance efficiently.
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Leading with Character
John J. Sosik
The book provides a guide for developing leadership character and ethical decision-making through self-assessment tools, reflective exercises, and practical advice. It emphasizes the importance of values, integrity, and moral development in effective leadership.
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The Escher Cycle
Creating Self-Reinforcing Business Advantage
Finn Jackson
The book presents a strategic business framework that focuses on creating a self-sustaining cycle of competitive advantage, drawing inspiration from the work of artist M.C. Escher. It guides readers through a process of aligning business components to reinforce each other, enhancing efficiency, customer value, and long-term success.
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What Price the Moral High Ground?
How to Succeed without Selling Your Soul
Robert H. Frank
The book examines the intersection of ethics and economics, arguing that businesses can be profitable while maintaining ethical standards. It presents evidence that companies which prioritize the well-being of their employees, customers, and the environment often outperform their less scrupulous competitors in the long run.
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Tales for Change
Using Storytelling to Develop People and Organizations
Margaret Parkin
The book explores the power of storytelling as a tool for effective communication and change management within organizations. It provides techniques and examples on how to craft and use stories to inspire, motivate, and facilitate personal and organizational growth and transformation.
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