Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence
The book introduces a holistic approach to back health that emphasizes the importance of a strong core and proper movement to alleviate pain and enhance physical confidence. It provides a series of exercises designed to strengthen the core, improve posture, and promote an overall healthier and more functional body.
Key points:
1. Core Redefinition: The book stresses the need to view the core as the entire muscular system, not just the abs, for overall strength and injury prevention.
Books similar to "Foundation":
Pilates Anatomy
Rael Isacowitz|Karen Clippinger
Master Your Core
Bohdanna Zazulak
Rebuilding Milo
Aaron Horschig|Kevin Sonthana
Treat Your Own Back
Robin McKenzie
Stretching to Stay Young
Jessica Matthews
5-Minute Core Exercises for Seniors
Cindy Brehse|Tami Brehse Dzenitis
Jailhouse Strong
Josh Bryant|Adam benShea
Science of Strength Training
Austin Current
Becoming a Supple Leopard
Kelly Starrett|Glen Cordoza
The Squat Bible
Aaron Horschig|Kevin Sonthana|Travis Neff