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The book presents a pioneering stress-reduction method that involves a simple meditative technique to help individuals reduce stress by eliciting the body's natural relaxation response. It includes scientific research, practical steps for implementation, and evidence of the health benefits associated with regular practice of this technique.

Key points:

1. Relaxation Response: The book's main idea is a deep rest state that alters stress responses, reducing metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. This can be achieved through meditation, yoga, and deep breathing.

2. Mind-Body Link: The book stresses the connection between mental stress and physical ailments, and how physical relaxation can lead to mental calmness.

3. Stress and Health: Chronic stress can lead to health issues like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and mental disorders. The relaxation response can counter these effects.

4. Relaxation Techniques: The book offers techniques like meditation, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing to induce the relaxation response.

5. Belief's Role: The book discusses how belief in the technique can enhance its effectiveness, based on the placebo effect.

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